Speleological expedition to the deepest caves of Asia, Boysun-Tau, Uzbekistan
International Speleological Expedition to Boysun-Tau – 2024 Preliminary dates of the expedition: 01 – 20 August, 2024 The deepest caves in Asia are concentrated here, on the Khoja-Gur-Gur-Ata ridge, which is a spur of the Boysun-Tau ridge. The purpose of the expedition: – Search and exploration of new caves in an unexplored karst area, – New speleological research in new caves One of the majestic Baysun-Tau ridges, the Khoja-Gur-Gur-Ata ridge rises above the surrounding relief and rare mountain villages at 3600 m. Its length is more than 100 km from Continue Reading

Speleo-biological expedition to Kyrgyzstan-Tajikistan -2021. August 14 – August 28.
We invite cavers and researchers to take part in a speleological expedition to a new karst area. Preliminary dates of the expedition August 14 – August 28, 2021 Expedition dates are not fixed. If you have a speleoclub, speleo federation or a separate team, you can choose the dates convenient for you. In 2021, we plan to conduct an integrated transboundary speleo-biological expedition to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. In 2019, we made a reconnaissance of karst in Tajikistan. As a result, we understood the logistic features, distance and travel time. We Continue Reading