We invite cavers and researchers to take part in a speleological expedition to a new karst area.
Preliminary dates of the expedition in August-September, 2021
Expedition dates are not fixed.
If you have a speleoclub, speleo federation or a separate team, you can choose the dates convenient for you.
We invite cavers on a speleological expedition to the Fergana ridge, in the period August-September, 2021. Interested speleologists can contact us at: info@speleo.kg
Only a good and experienced team of cavers will be able to explore the caves in this hard-to-reach area.
The southwestern slopes of the Fergana ridge still remain mysterious to speleologists. Limestone slopes, overgrown with forest and bushes, hide caves. A large number of springs operate at the foot of the slopes. These karst areas are difficult to access. In the Tien-Shan, these places are the wettest. The largest amount of atmospheric precipitation falls here – about 900-1000 mm per year.
The local karst areas have never been explored by large expeditions. Only a few researchers have found new caves here.
Locals tell about the caves they saw in different gorges. Our goal, in 2021, is to explore several karst areas that are accessible to cars or horses.
On reconnaissance in 2019, we found several roads that lead to exposed limestone rocks at the top of the ridge. We also discovered several grottoes and small caves.
In 2021, we plan to explore several unknown karst areas. We invite everyone to take part in a speleological expedition to the Fergana ridge.
We plan to focus the search for new caves in the most attractive regions: Kuraves, Seresu, Kara-Alma and the Kumysh plateau.
The Seresu karst region is located over 2000 m above the river valley. The place is very beautiful and attracts travelers. But we are interested in caves. We know that there are 3 caves, discovered in 2007. The caves were found by local tourists. Inside the caves are the formations of stalactites and stalagmites. The longest cave is over 150 m.
Locals from the surrounding villages told us about other caves in the region. Some local elders tell stories of how in the early years of the USSR, wealthy people hid their gold and jewelry in caves from the communists. Of course, for a long time no one remembered their whereabouts, but, nevertheless, people remember that the caves were a place where treasures could be hidden.
The mountain range consists of Carboniferous limestones (C). The thickness of the limestone strata is more than 3000 m. The Fergana ridge serves as an accumulator of an abundant amount of moisture, which is brought here by moist air currents from the northwest. This area is one of the wettest places, both in Kyrgyzstan and in the Tien-Shan. This is evidenced by the large number of springs and streams in the thalweg of canyons.
For the past two years, cavers have planned to explore the karst zone, but some organizational issues regarding logistics and prospecting areas remained unclear. Due to the lack of roads, it is very difficult to get to the karst regions themselves. Equipment delivery is possible only on horses or donkeys.
The best option for the base camp to repeat the search for new caves is the upper reaches of the Seresu River. From here, you can make two- or three-day autonomous radial hikes to search for caves. We are planning to get to the base camp by horse. The best time for an expedition is July-August.
Karst areas of the Fergana Range, which we plan to explore in 2021
SPELEO EXPEDITION to the “KUMYSH” KARST PLATEAU. Second half of June, 2021
Photos of the karst areas of Seresu and Kuraves
Expedition route, locations of the Seresu and the Kumysh plateau karst regions